If you want to know about the best cars in Hill Climb Racing game, you are at the right place. Hill Climb racing is the most thrilling racing game due to its excellent vehicles. I will give you information about all the best vehicles with their upgrading costs and abilities that make your car the best to race on the track.
There are many vehicles in this game’s garage. Many players like different types of vehicles according to the situation and tracks. Here are the top five vehicles in Hill Climb Racing.

Hill Climb Racing?
Hill Climb Racing is the most famous physics-based racing game. It has 35 vehicles in the garage, and the most fantastic feature is that players can easily customize cars according to their choice. Coins are needed to unlock these vehicles, but if you do not have enough coins and want to use all these vehicles, then you should use the Hill Climb Racing mod apk. This game has different types of tracks that have many ups and downs.
This game can be played online and offline with family and friends. Players can also compete with other players around the world. Players love this game due to its challenging tracks and rewards for winning the race. The game has different tracks, such as hills, buildings, deserts, and more, making players’ races more challenging.
Game features
- Offline Play: Players can play games without internet access.
- Vehicles: This game’s garage has 35+ vehicles, some of which are easier to use than others.
- Upgrade: here are offers to upgrade engines, tyres, and fuel in the sense of upgrading of sense.
- Stage: 30+ stages are in the game to win the race that thrills the race.
- Optimized: this game can be played on low-resolution devices.
- Garage mode: players can edit and modify the garage according to their choice.
The best cars in Hill Climb racing
As said above, this game has 35+ vehicles. Each vehicle has its characteristics, like engine power, brakes, speed, and grip on the track. All are best, but I will tell you about a vehicle that is best in all ways and will never disappoint you. You must get to know about the vehicles. I have played for more than four years and have experience using all vehicles on all tracks, so Moon Lander is best for all tracks in all conditions. However, it speeds slowly, but its best point is that it can’t flip. I highly recommend that super off-road is the best vehicle in hill climb racing.

What is Super off-road?
The super off-road is the best vehicle in Hill Climb Racing’s garage. It is accessible to all players. Its unlocking cost is 100000 coins. It is easy to drive, low on fuel consumption, and easy to navigate on all tracks, even on steep terrain. Upgradation has a level that needs to upgrade the vehicle gradually.15 upgrades for downforce,20 levels for the engine, 15 for fuel, and 20 for tracks. Its cost is 1,200,000, 900,000. 450,000 and 1,000,000 likewise.
Super off road upgradation fee
The total upgrade cost is almost 23,213,500. Only engine upgrades require 7,172,500 at the maximum level. On the other hand, the track upgrade will consume 8,607,000 coins. The upgrade cost of the downforce will consume 4,956,000 coins, and the fuel upgrade consume 2,478,000 coins from your collection. If you face a shortage of coins, you should play Hill Climb Racing mod apk.
level | engine | track | downforce | fuel |
1 | Free | Free | Free | Free |
2 | 10000/FREE | 12000/FREE | 16000/FREE | 8 000/FREE |
3 | 22 500/FREE | 27 000/FREE | 36 000/FREE | 18 000/FREE |
4 | 40 000/FREE | 48 000/FREE | 64 000/FREE | 32 000/FREE |
5 | 62 500/FREE | 75 000/FREE | 100 000/FREE | 50 000/FREE |
6 | 90 000 | 108 000 | 144 000 | 72 000 |
7 | 122 500 | 147 000 | 196 000 | 98 000 |
8 | 160 000 | 192 000 | 256 000 | 128 000 |
9 | 202 500 | 243 000 | 324 000 | 162 000 |
10 | 250 000 | 300 000 | 400 000 | 200 000 |
11 | 302 500 | 363 000 | 484 000 | 242 000 |
12 | 360 000 | 432 000 | 576 000 | 288 000 |
13 | 422 500 | 507 000 | 676 000 | 338 000 |
14 | 490 000 | 588 000 | 784 000 | 392 000 |
15 | 562 500 | 675 000 | 900 000 | 450 000 |
16 | 640 000 | 768 000 | MAX | MAX |
17 | 722 500 | 867 000 | MAX | MAX |
18 | 810 000 | 972 000 | MAX | MAX |
19 | 902 500 | 1 083 000 | MAX | MAX |
20 | 1 000 000 | 1 200 000 | MAX | MAX |
This table explains the step-by-step engine upgrade, tracks, downforce, and vehicle fuel. You can get information about each upgrade level. This table shows the conclusion of all the upgrades to vehicles. You can enjoy this vehicle by installing Hill climb racing.
Top 5 Cars
After Super Off-road: Here are the top 5 best vehicles with the best brakes, race, engines, and other functions
The Moonlander is the best vehicle in HCR. It is even accessible to ordinary players. You need to unlock it first with 1500000 coins. Once you open it, you can use it excellently in different stages: neon, mountain, and forests. If you get stuck on a point on these tracks, you need to try this to overcome those difficult points.

Its boosters are so powerful that this vehicle flies when we increase its acceleration. It helps to control accidents that other vehicles cannot control. It’s efficient on most routes with low fuel consumption.
Moonlander upgrade costs
The unlocking cost is 1500000 at medium speed. Its favourite routes are Neon, Forest, New Clear Power Plant, Mars, and the Course of Young Fighters. Its relatability is low, making it difficult to control on the track.
Level | Engine | Suspension | Thruster | Fuel |
2 | 12 000 | 10 000 | 80 000 | 8 000 |
3 | 27 000 | 22 500 | 180 000 | 18 000 |
4 | 48 000 | 40 000 | 320 000 | 32 000 |
5 | 75 000 | 62 500 | 500 000 | 50 000 |
6 | 108 000 | 90 000 | 720 000 | 72 000 |
7 | 147 000 | 122 500 | 980 000 | 98 000 |
8 | 192 000 | 160 000 | 1 280 000 | 128 000 |
9 | 243 000 | 202 500 | – | 162 000 |
10 | 300 000 | 250 000 | – | 200 000 |
11 | 363 000 | 302 500 | – | 242 000 |
12 | 432 000 | 360 000 | – | 288 000 |
13 | 507 000 | 422 500 | – | 338 000 |
14 | 588 000 | 490 000 | – | 392 000 |
15 | 675 000 | 562 500 | – | 450 000 |
16 | 768 000 | – | – | 512 000 |
17 | 867 000 | – | – | 578 000 |
18 | 972 000 | – | – | 648 000 |
19 | 1 083 000 | – | – | 722 000 |
20 | 1 200 000 | – | – | 800 000 |
21 | – | – | – | 882 000 |
22 | – | – | – | 968 000 |
23 | – | – | – | 1 058 000 |
24 | – | – | – | 1 152 000 |
25 | – | – | – | 1 250 000 |
Total | 8 607 000 | 3 097 500 | 4 060 000 | 10,103,000 |
A dragster is a long vehicle with an excellent race with a card on the side named the high roller. The front wheel is small and relatable to the back tyre, helping the vehicle not to flip on the track. It makes it easy to control the vehicle quickly and increases its speed. It looks innovative and extravagant, which makes your garage beautiful.

Dragster upgrade cost
The Dragster has four upgrade steps that gradually make it more powerful. In the first step, the engine is upgraded to be vital to racing on steep terrains, making the race easy.
The second step is to upgrade the tires to make them stronger and more gripping. The third step is to boost fuel consumption, which produces low fuel consumption. A dragster will not stop due to a standard fuel shortage that makes racing easier. The fourth step is to maintain stability even on steep terrains.
To enjoy Dragster, upgrade the vehicle to the maximum level. However, it is costly: it requires almost 19,604,500 coins. I’ll show you all the details for an upgrade to Dragster at the latest.
For the engine, there is a need for 7 172 500 coins.
Tyres upgrade needs 2 478 000 coins.
Fuel upgrade requires 5 738 000 coins.
Stabiltility upgradation needs 4 216 000 coins. The total upgrade needs 19,604,500 coins at the max level.
3-Rally car
A Rally car is a supercar that saves lives with its convertible spoiler. It looks like a real car, but it is more than that. It is easy to control even on problematic tracks with low fuel usage.

It is the best due to its exceptional suspension, which keeps it stable. It can climb over hills with very good downforce. It can travel more than 360000 meters on the highway. It is challenging to control when the rally is in the air.
Upgradation cost of rally car
The upgrade cost of a rally is less than that of comparable vehicles. Its suspension makes it easier to use, and its convertible spoiler makes it look like a supercar.
Level | Engine | Suspension | Tires | Downforce |
1 | 7 200 | 5 000 | 5 000 | 12 000 |
2 | 16 200 | 11 250 | 11 250 | 27 000 |
3 | 28 800 | 20 000 | 20 000 | 48 000 |
4 | 45 000 | 31 250 | 31 250 | 75 000 |
5 | 64 800 | 45 000 | 45 000 | 108 000 |
6 | 88 200 | 61 250 | 61 250 | 147 000 |
7 | 115 200 | 80 000 | 80 000 | 192 000 |
8 | 145 800 | 101 250 | 101 250 | 243 000 |
9 | 180 000 | 125 000 | 125 000 | 300 000 |
10 | 217 800 | 151 250 | 151 250 | MAX |
11 | 259 200 | 180 000 | 180 000 | MAX |
12 | 304 200 | 211 250 | 211 250 | MAX |
13 | N/A | 245 000 | 245 000 | MAX |
14 | MAX | MAX | 281 250 | MAX |
15 | MAX | MAX | 320 000 | MAX |
16 | MAX | MAX | 361 250 | MAX |
Total | 1 472 400 | 1 249 500 | 2 212 000 | 1 152 000 |
A mutant is like a supertruck that can transform. It has speed with oversized tyres that save it from sticking in the caves. It is easy to use for beginners and less costly to upgrade. One downside to this car is that it makes the vehicle more gripper and has less fuel consumption, which frees players from fuel tension.

Upgrade cost of mutant
The upgrading cost is less than that of another vehicle, which is easy for beginner players to access. This vehicle becomes cooler when it is upgraded. Without unlocking the cost of the vehicle, it needs almost 4,634,500 coins. Upgrading the vehicle will make this cool and attract players to play the game.
Level | Engine | Suspensione | Tires | Downforce |
2 | 6 000 | 4 000 | 4 000 | 12 000 |
3 | 13 500 | 9 000 | 9 000 | 27 000 |
4 | 24 000 | 16 000 | 16 000 | 48 000 |
5 | 37 500 | 25 000 | 25 000 | 75 000 |
6 | 54 000 | 36 000 | 36 000 | 108 000 |
7 | 73 500 | 49 000 | 49 000 | 147 000 |
8 | 96 000 | 64 000 | 64 000 | 192 000 |
9 | 121 500 | 81 000 | 81 000 | 243 000 |
10 | 150 000 | 100 000 | 100 000 | 300 000 |
11 | 181 500 | 121 000 | 121 000 | – |
12 | 216 000 | 144 000 | 144 000 | – |
13 | – | 169 000 | 169 000 | – |
14 | – | 196 000 | 196 000 | – |
15 | – | – | 225 000 | – |
16 | – | – | 256 000 | – |
Total | 973 500 | 1 014 000 | 1 495 000 | 1 152 000 |
5-Motocross bike
It is a simple but cool bike that is easy to control. Its unlocking cost is 7;5000 coins is a comparatively low cost. It is best for the moon stage. It can flip quickly and earn extra rewards. If I elevate it to the maximum level, it will flip fast, making the bike quicker and more enthusiastic.

Upgrade cost of motocross bike
The Motocross bike’s upgrade cost is 4,709,500, which is very cheap for its fantastic features. Here is all the information about the upgrades to the vehicle.
The engine upgrade cost is 973000. Suspension required 1014000 coins. Tires consume 1495000 coins, and Mid-Air-Control consumes 1152000 coins. The total cost of the upgrade is 4709500 coins, which is a low price compared to other vehicles.
Hill climb racing is the most famous racing game due to its best vehicle. The player can choose according to their choice and according to the tracks. All vehicles are best to use according to the situation with power brakes and acceleration. This website will help you find the best vehicle in your race to compete with your opponents. We can play it on PC also.